Shawn Kwong Hing, Caplan's Appliances Sales Representative

Sales Account Manager

Shaun Kwong Hing

Get to know our
Sales Account Managers:

How long have you worked at Caplan’s
5 Years

First Job
Bicycle Mechanic

Favourite Brand of Dishwasher

Favourite comfort food
Soup, any kind

Favourite vacation spot
Taos Ski Valley Resort, New Mexico

Favourite meal to make at home
Making fried wontons from scratch with my daughters Charlotte & Madelaine

Favourite Quote
“Everything will be alright in the end so if it is not alright it is not the end.​”

Favourite Movie
Blade Runner

Favourite “touristy” thing to do in Toronto
Our world class Metro Zoo

Induction or Gas
Induction all the way!

Water dispenser inside or outside of fridge 
Water outside but no ice outside